about thai

Thai K. Bettistea is an independent producer who received her M.F.A. in Producing from Brooklyn College’s Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema. A proud member of the “Newhouse Mafia” she graduated from Syracuse University where she received her bachelor’s degree in Television, Radio, and Film with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises.  

She has worked independently as a video producer for a communications agency and production assistant for several indie features that include Demetri Martin’s highly praised dramatic comedy, Dean, and Sasha Gordon’s quirky romantic comedy, It Had to Be You. Thai has also ventured into television where she worked for the former ABC Daytime soap, All My Children and two HBO TV series', Girls & Random Acts of Flyness.

Today, she takes her experience from live-action productions and brings them to the legacy of Disney Animation. She worked on Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon and Strange World. She was also a part of the Disney Animation & Kugali Media science fiction series, Iwájú, released on Disney+ February 2024. 

Bettistea is currently serving as Script Coordinator for the long-form musical series, Tiana.

Thai is excited about film and television that showcase multidimensional characters through compelling narratives from diverse voices. Her passion to work in entertainment comes from her belief that great film and television can end stereotypes/misconceptions of people and ultimately change the world for the better.

She currently splits her time between New York and Los Angeles.

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